A level 1 bard tried to seduce the main protagonist on the first adventure of a campaign with his party. She was a level 20 chaotic evil sorceress who banished him to the plane of fire. (He rolled a 1.) 

So the DM did his thing, and all the other players were throwing dice at him. There's the real story. 

This game is compatible with controllers, and is set up as if plaing an NES game in an emulator. 

Arrow keys = DPad, Enter = Start, Shift = Select, A = A, S = B 

The B key is not used in this game, but the A key can be used to dash while moving. 

Dodge the flaming dice for as long as you can. 

This project was made with Godot, my first time ever making a complete game with the engine. I'm loving in, and looking forward to making more in the future! 

Let me know if I should adjust the window size in the browser. 

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